I don't know JACK about Blogging but I'm going to give it a whirl. All of the Sherwood's are alive and well and we are enduring this long cold winter by doing a whole lot of nothing. Once in a while we get out and play in the snow but for the most part it's been TV, movies and video games while Misti tries to keep herself busy scrap-booking or yelling at us for not doing anything but watching TV and playing video games. It's a good life if you can get it.
6 years ago
We are SO excited to see that you're blogging too! It is great to see pix of your family. We miss your crew so much-I wish we had as good of neighbors here as we did in saratoga. You're the best backdoor neighbors ever. You'll have to keep up with us too at condiefam.blogspot.com
Thanks for including us!
I like it.
I've been wanting to do a blog for a while now, but I can never think of a name for it.
I like the toothless pics. The other day at the store the boys were begging for a new Wii Game. I told them "No, it isn't Christmas or your birthday, you'll have to save up your own money for a game." Landon started whining, "But mom, the only way we have of making money is losing teeth." I thought that was pretty funny. Maybe we'll have to start some sort of an allowance for them.
Miss you guys!
Oh Tommy Tommy, you are too funny. I love your new blog. Did you e-mail Brian? I'm sure he will want to leave lots of smart a%$ comments! I'm glad you are all doing well! We miss our old neighborhood and friends a lot!
Tommy, you look hot diving into the water with your swimsuit on. Nice!
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