I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. Cole and Cody got a rip stick for Christmas and Cole has been obsessed with it ever since. Grandma bought these for the boys and she was worried about the danger. We had to talk her into getting them. They have enough video games. We were unsure whether the kids would even ride these - they have skate boards and haven't ridden those much. Cole is on his rip stick 24 hours a day. He rides it in my house even though I have asked him not to. He takes it to school and rides it to scouts. He does quite well on it. I am glad that he is being an active boy. Anyway, a few weeks ago (Feb.25Th) he was on his way to a friends house and was going down a hill and hit a rock. He doesn't remember how he landed, but hurt his left wrist. His friend Patrick was with him and helped him get back to the park by the school. Patrick called his mom and she called me. I drove to the park and someone had helped put a make-shift splint on his wrist. Tom and I decided to hold off a couple day on going to the doctor. It seemed okay later that night, he was able to move it around. After a few day it was still hurting him, so I took him in and had it x-rayed. Sure enough, they called it a buckle fracture(it was actually broken-kids have strong bones). I am very glad we decided to take him in. Tom and I are not overly worried parents and tend to just figure they will be fine. They usually are. They put a splint on it for a week and then a cast on for three weeks. They put the cast on a couple days before we went to Disneyland. He was bummed out that he couldn't swim at the pool. The cast didn't slowed him down one bit. He still managed to write, draw (he is left handed), play football at recess and ride his rip stick. We went in on March 31st and had it x-rayed again and they told us it looked good. Cole told me that it was loose enough to take it off himself. I guess he took it off one time to wash him arm(itchy-can you blame him?). His arm must have still been pretty swollen when they put the cast on for it to be loose. It made the doctor's job easy as far as pulling it off instead of getting the old saw out. Since the cast was still intact, Cody wore it to school and used it as an April fools joke. Cole was happy to get that thing off!
6 years ago